A unique instrument for the biggest telescope


Work Package Descriptions

MOSAIC will be one of the most complex instruments ever built for ground astronomy. Therefore, the project is defined in a detailed Work Breakdown Structure. The proposed hierarchy decomposes the work in to a manageable quantity highlighting the scope of each package.


  • WP-1: Management: Manages the MOSAIC instrument product assurance. It is the focal point for the product assurance interface with ESO.
  • WP-2: System: manages the technical requirements and verifications. Project architects are part of the System Team to organize and supervise the architecture and conception of the full instrument. The System Team is led by the system engineer.
  • WP-21: Front-end channel: Coordinate the work packages associated to the Front-End System. It includes the Pre-Focal sub-system (Calibration module and instrument shutter), the Instrument Core sub-system - ICOS, The Nasmyth Support platform, and the Focal Plane sub-system-FP (incl. positioners), the Ground Layer Adaptive Optics subsystem- GLAO and the Optical Relay Sub-system - ORSS.
  • WP-22: VIS Channel: Coordinate the work packages associated to the VIS Spectrograph System. It includes the VIS-LR and VIS-HR fiber links and VIS spectrograph sub-systems, and the VIS detectors sub-system.
  • WP-23: NIR Channel: Coordinate the work packages associated to the VIS Spectrograph System. It includes the NIR-MOS and NIR-IFU fiber links and NIR spectrograph sub-systems, and the NIR detectors sub-system;
  • WP-3: PA/QA (Product Assurance / Quality Assurance): Manages the MOSAIC instrument product assurance and be the focal point for the product assurance interface with ESO
  • WP-4: VIS-Spec: Delivery of the visible spectrograph to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-5: NIR-Spec: Delivery of the Near Infra-Red Spectrograph to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-6: VIS Fiber Link: Delivery of the Visible Fiber links to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-7: NIR Fiber Link: Delivery of the NIR Fiber link to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-8: mIFU Fiber Link: Delivery of the m-IFU Fiber link to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-9: Focal Plane: Delivery of the Focal Plane sub-system to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-10: ICOS (Instrument Core Sub-system): Delivery of the Instrument Core Sub-system to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-11: ORSS (Optical Relays Sub-System): Delivery of the optical relays sub-systems to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-12: CALEMOS (Calibration Unit): Delivery of the calibration unit sub-system to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-15: GLAO (Ground Layer Adaptive Optics): Delivery of the Ground Layer Adaptive Optics to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-16: EICS: Development, Integration, Validation of the High Level EICS up to the FAC. The High Level EICS includes: 1/ Instrument Control Electronics, 2/ Instrument Control Software, 3/ IT Infrastructure
  • WP-17: SSO: Delivery of the Science Software to the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-18: AITV: Assembly, Integration, Test and Verification of the MOSAIC instrument
  • WP-19: Detectors: To provide the detectors needed by MOSAIC, for the VIS, NIR and FE channels
  • WP-20: Positioners: Delivery of the Focal Plane sub-system to the MOSAIC instrument