A unique instrument for the biggest telescope


Project management board

The MOSAIC Board has the role of assisting the PI in all the different phases and aspects of the Project. It is the supervisory structure of the Consortium. The members of the MOSAIC Board are the Co-Is, which represent each participating country. The PI, co-PI and PM are invited to all meetings of the MOSAIC Board. The main role of the management board is to follow the milestones of the project in coordination with the PIs, to review the Consortium Agreement, and to organize the scientific and financial support of MOSAIC. The current board Chair and Deputy Chair are Lex Kaper and Jesus Gallego, respectively.

The committee is composed of : Jose Afonso (IA, Lisbon Univ.), Portugal - Beatriz Barbuy (IAG, Sao Paulo), Brazil - Christopher J. Miller (Univ. of Michigan), USA – Thierry Contini (Toulouse, IRAP), France - Alexis Finogenov (Helsinki Univ.), Finland - Jesus Gallego (Madrid, Computense Univ.), Spain - Lex Kaper (Amsterdam Univ.), Netherlands - Susan Kassin (STScI), USA - Simon Morris (Durham Univ.), U.K. - Goran Ostlin (Stockholm Univ.), Sweden - Laura Pentericci (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma), Italy - Matthias Steinmetz (AIP, Potsdam), Germany - Daniel Schaerer (Univ. of Geneva), Switzerland - Bodo Ziegler (Vienna Univ.), Austria